Posted by: Clemson Eye in News

Billions of dollars are invested every year in Ophthalmology research and development. At Clemson Ophthalmology, we pride ourselves to keeping current with new technologies and continuously updating our skills so as to offer you the very best in eye care.
The biggest recent news involves the introduction of refractive lens options for patients having cataract surgery. First Medicare now allows you to pay the difference and upgrade from a standard lens to one of the smart new technology lenses that offer better vision and, in some cases, total freedom from glasses. Dr. Parisi was the first ophthalmologist in the Upstate to implant the AcrySof® ReSTOR® lens in 2005. Now having implanted a high volume of these lenses, we are able to track operative results and obtain better results than the FDA study. Likewise, you have the testimonials of our very own patients to give you confidence about these new lens options.
“I am thrilled to be able to offer these excellent new lenses to my patients who desire a lifestyle free from glasses or contact lenses.” Dr. Joe Parisi
Late 2006, the Acrysof TORIC® lens was released. The TORIC® is another refractive lens designed to give clear, glasses free vision in the distance, for patients with astigmatism.
“I love this lens. The results are outstanding. The TORIC® eliminates astigmatism for patients who have struggled with it their entire life.” Dr. Joe Parisi