No interest will be charged on the promo balance if you pay it off, in full, within the promo period. If you do not, interest will be charged on the promo balance from the purchase date. The required minimum monthly payments may or may not pay off the promo balance before the end of the promo period, depending on purchase amount, promo length, and payment allocation. Regular account terms apply to non-promo purchases, and after the period ends, to the promo balance. For new accounts as of 5/30/2024: Purchase APR 32.99%. Penalty APR 39.99%. Minimum Interest Charge $2. Existing cardholders: see your credit card agreement terms. Subject to credit approval.
Please see the list of health insurance plans with whom we are contracted at the bottom of this page.
Clemson Eye is a contracted provider for a large number of health plans including Medicare, Medicaid, BCBS, VSP, EyeMed, United, Aetna and many more.
If we are contracted with your plan, then we will file a claim with your insurance plan. You will be responsible for any co payment or deductible that your plan applies. Medicare Part B deductible for 2022 is $233. If you do not have secondary insurance, you may owe co-insurance as well. If you have a secondary, then it generally pays the 20% subject to any other deductibles the secondary may include. If you have a Medicare Advantage plan or a commercial insurance plan, co-payments vary by plan. Early in the year, many patients will have some financial responsibility to their provider until their deductibles are met. Along with copays, deductibles, and co-insurance, the “out-of-pocket” costs are increasing. Consider using a Flex Spending or Health Savings Account to cover your costs.
While we are happy to assist with your insurance questions, it is helpful for you to understand your particular coverage. We encourage you to call your insurance company or visit their website to understand your unique benefits and financial responsibility. If your insurance carrier requires a referral, then please contact your primary care physician and request a referral for Clemson Eye.
If you do not see your plan listed, please call us at 855-654-2020
If you do not see your plan listed, please call us at 855-654-2020